Thursday, February 16, 2017

February 21 Meeting

 Our February meeting will be a spin-in, so bring your wheels and/or drop spindles and come to sit and chat.  If you have questions or tips, please feel free to share them.  Spin-Ins are always fun, a good time to relax and enjoy some stories, suggestions, and laughs.

We will also have a brief review of spinning wheel tensioning systems. Bring your questions.

In addition in February we will have several pieces of equipment, which we will raffle off. These are older used items which were salvaged from a recently-sold home.  Some of them need some work to be fully functional.  We will have either the items themselves or photos of them there (depending on the weather).  Members will be able to put their names in for any in which they are interested, and we will draw winners.  There will also be a few books.  If you have anything you would like to give away, please bring it – but if it doesn't go, you are expected to take it home again yourself!

If you are participating in our annual Challenge, don't forget to bring your spun fiber back in an opaque bag labeled with the original number.  Please include the sheet you received, with notes on your spinning experience.