
The library is available to all members of BASD in good standing. We have many excellent books, videos, DVDs, and workshop materials available for loan. The library is located in the room beyond the meeting room on the left hand wall and is open during guild meetings.

A $20 deposit will be collected by the librarian or treasurer before the loan of the first item for the year. Two items may be borrowed at a time. All items must be logged on the clipboard before borrowing. Some precious materials may require a deposit equivalent to the replacement cost. All such materials will be marked.

Items should be returned at the following meeting. If you will not be able to return materials at the following meeting, please make arrangements with the BASD librarian for return of the materials.

No materials circulate during the summer. If all items are returned by the May meeting, you will receive your deposit back by mail in the early summer. If library materials are not returned, the deposit will be kept and borrowing privileges will be revoked, until return of the materials has occurred.

Click here to view our catalog!

Click here to view our magazine inventory!

Equipment Rental

BASD has the following pieces of equipment for rent:
 1.Louet spinning wheel - model S 10
 2.Ashford drum carder (good for wool that is washed and not too fine)
 3.Wool picker
 4.Set of 5-pitch wool combs

When a piece is wanted for rental, the warden is to be notified by phone, email or in person, and suitable arrangements for pick-up and drop-off are made. The warden is not required to bring the equipment to meetings.

The rental fee for each piece of equipment is $5 per week, $15 per month.

When the equipment is solely used for educational, not-for-profit purposes, as for demonstrations at a school, fair, etc., no fee is charged. Payment is by check made out to BASD. Membership in BASD is required for rental.