Saturday, February 6, 2016

February 16 Spinning for Single Ply Yarns and Stash Swap

We will experiment with creating sound and beautiful singles yarns.

How do we add the right amount of twist for a yarn which will hang straight in a finished knit? How do we add enough for a singles warp? How and when do we set singles? We will explore all these questions and more.

Bring your wheels and lowest ratio (the biggest) whorls you have. BASD will cover approximately half the cost of fiber through our dues. $4 fiber fee per sample set of Gotland and Shetland. Non-members can participate, but the full cost will be requested.

Clean house and bring your extra fiber, yarn, and equipment to swap or sell! Look for bargains you'd love to own! If you want to sell items, please label them clearly with price and your name.

Non-members welcome as always!