Thursday, October 9, 2014

BASD October Meeting: Come Ply With Me

Tuesday, October 28th, 7:30pm

Wolbach Farm, 18 Wolbach Rd., Sudbury, MA 


Many spinners have difficulty plying.  This program is to help you resolve any questions you have, and to give you a chance to practice your plying.


We will discuss basics of plying, and offer some tips on how to ply for different uses.

We will review plying from a ball and Andean plying.


One of the best ways to improve your plying techniques is to practice, and this program will also offer you time for that.


Please bring the following:

- two bobbins with some single ply yarn that you’ve spun, preferably in two contrasting colors. It is best if this has sat on the bobbins for at least two days

- a lazy kate

- a small loosely wound ball of single ply (if you would like to practice plying from a center pull ball)

- more single ply (for Andean ply practice)

Additionally, bring any plied yarn either that you had trouble with or you are happy with, so we can discuss and review some samples.



Our Challenge this year is to bring 4 ounces of processed wool fiber (top, roving, batt, rollags – but not raw fleece) to our October meeting.  Please make sure it is 4 ounces, and bring it in a paper or opaque plastic bag (not see-through).  You will be asked to identify the fiber (breed).  The fleece will be anonymously given to another participant who will spin it and return it in February.  After a second exchange, a finished object will be returned to the original owner.  Remember, the finished item will be returned to you, so bring in some fiber from which you would like to have something hand made!