Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23, 2012, Meeting

October 23, 2012, Meeting
October 23rd 2012, 7:30 p.m. Sudbury Valley Trustees, 18 Wolbach Road, Sudbury, MA
Spinning Silk Bombyx and tussah, bricks, top, hankies, and noil. We’ll talk about them all and spin a bunch of them. We’ll learn how to organize silk top for spinning, do a short forward draw, and over the fold. We’ll pull off layers from a hankie, and learn how to draft and spin this textured yarn.
Bring a spinning wheel or spindle, and a cloth to cover your lap.
There will be a $3 fiber fee.
Also, the Annual Fiber Challenge begins. If you wish to participate, bring 4 ounces of fiber to the meeting. The fiber must be at least 50% wool and be placed in an unlabeled non-see-through bag. At the meeting the fiber will be anonymously redistributed to participants who will spin it and return it by the January meeting.