
What is BASD?

BASD stands for Boston Area Spinners & Dyers. The group was founded in 1970 as a means of exchanging knowledge and ideas related to all aspects of spinning and dyeing.


BASD usually meets on the third Tuesday of each month from September to May.

The format of the meetings varies. Some are in-house, sharing the collective knowledge of the group. At others there are speakers, some of them widely known in their field, others known more locally to us.

Many of the meetings are hands-on, and at others we often see slides or demonstrations. We also regularly do a show and tell.

We have potluck suppers in December and May. At our May meeting we also unveil the results of the year-long fiber exchange.

Benefits of Membership

 •learning and sharing ideas
 •improving your skills
 •meeting people with similar interests
 •educational events within meetings
 •lending library
 •fiber exchange
 •equipment rental

If you have any specific questions, please email us at basdspinning@gmail.com