New Website -
Hello and thank you for your interest in the Boston Area Spinner's and Dyer's Guild! Please come visit us at our new website: We look forward to seeing you ther...
Hello and thank you for your interest in the Boston Area Spinner's and Dyer's Guild! Please come visit us at our new website: We look forward to seeing you ther...
We will be hosting a virtual spin-in on July 21st at 7:30pm! This will be via Zoom, and a link to the meeting will be sent by email in the coming weeks. ...
We regret that we must cancel our May program due to the continued uncertainty of Covid-19....
Due to the current pandemic, we must cancel our April meeting. We are still hoping to hold our May meeting....
In an effort to keep our Guild members safe, we are canceling the March program. Take care everyone, and spin at home Tuesday evening!...
In a nod to Saint Patrick's Day and Irish linen, our next meeting will be an educational spin-in with a focus on flax. Sharon Kudrle will offer an introduction to flax and linen, with fiber samples to try out. She will also discuss the preparation of the fiber and its historical uses. Those of us who want to pursue linen for the rest of the evening can do so, while others of us can continue spinning with our own fibers....
Our February meeting is on the 18th at 7:30 pm and will cover color theory and blending. The program will be led by Carol McClennan and Robin McElheny. Each spinner will receive half an ounce of each primary color to work with. Please bring your wheel, hand cards, tape and a hole punch if you have them. A fee of $2.00 will be charged for the fiber....